Author: Michael Doyle

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Plastic Fantastic and Ocean Clean Up Project

Plastic is a hot topic at the moment and hopefully the need to remove it (especially single use) remains in the media.

Every so often one comes across clips that make it to the front of the millions of calls to action out there. For me there are two that stand out in the last few weeks:

  1. Plastic Fantastic book launch by Lorena Veldhuizen at UWC Maastricht, which coincided with the Ocean Clean Up Project
  2. This very sad but powerful clip that was sent to me today by a friend. There was no call to action by Simply Flow, but the message is very clear.

Lets share these messages and take some action of our own – Global 1000 Schools Project

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Regenerative Farming – Dr Allen Williams

Media often focuses on the negative narrative of Climate Change. This plays into the hands of Climate Deniers when they call us out for being climate alarmists. Because the systemic change required is difficult, readers often will choose to listen to this narrative. As a result we can become complacent, and end up doing nothing.

To show some of the positive work being done in the Climate Change arena, I  share with you some of the great work people are doing to mitigate and adapt.

Watch this video clip of Regenerative Farming featuring Dr Allen Williams. Regenerative agriculture ranks 11 on Project Drawdown’s list of solutions to reverse global warming.

Can all meat production move to this system? (please remember to share and spread the news)


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